how did i do? donnie really let me mow with his "john deere" tonight, while he edged and mowed around the edges with the walk behind!
what do you think? think he'll let me do it again?
if you look close, you can see how almost straight my lines are! i am sooo proud of myself, i can hardly stand it! doesn't even look like a drunk indian mowed it.
sure, he yelled at me a couple of times to sloowww down, and i had to go over some of it twice, but all in all, i think i did okay!
WOO HOO. Mrs. John Deere on the loose. Looks good mom.
it takes me back to when dad taught me how to use the push mower- yelling, going over it again... hah! want to come do mine now?
That lawn mower looks handier than a beer tap in the bedroom.
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