Monday, August 17, 2009


any one that knows me, knows that i LOVE to be warm! I love it when it's 95 to 100 outside. i love to go set out on the patio and just let the sun beat on me. but lately.... one minute i'm freezing to death (yes! even in the middle of the summer ~ if you have ever been in our house you know what i'm talking about), and the next minute, i think my skin is going to melt off! don doesn't know what to do with me. it all started when we were in alaska. we were driving down to 'homer', and we were having this little heated "discussion" about having the air conditioner turned up so high. so he nicely turned it down. i swear, that within five minutes, i was turning it back up on high and opening the windows. i thought i was going to suffocate! and he thought i was loosing it! (not the first time and probably not the last). ever since then, i can be perfectly comfortable (as long as i am warm), then all of the sudden ~ in a blast, the heat turns on and i feel like my skin is melting right off my body (only if it would!). it takes me a little while to cool my thermostat down, then i can be comfortable again.
now i know what women are talking about when they mention HOT FLASHES!!! (i think i would just assume NOT know).
soooo... if you run into some nice old lady who is having HOT FLASHES,
please be nice to her and get out of her way!!!:)