Monday, June 28, 2010

happy birthday papi!

june 19th was don's dad's 87th birthday. we had a 'hunter' reunion that day - no better day to celebrate the life of the most amazing man ever! brenda and her family were in charge this year and had a pinata for the kids. they each got a turn to hit it, before the older boys tore it apart.



candy, candy, everywhere - every childs dream!
(but no! isley did not break the pinata)

baby jack

ryker, sneaking into papi's cake
(after Papa Don showed him just how to do it!)

hunter with a sour ball in his cheeks.

mel, isley, george and siona with papi

chet, ryker, kendyl and tiff with papi

cheyne, don, and jacki with papi

happy birthday dad! you are the most amazing man, i have ever met! it's been 2 years since we had this reunion last, to celebrate grandma ruth and grandpa's birthday together. you've hung in there through all of your trials and no one has ever heard you complain (about anything) . i also have to say "thank you!" for being such a wonderful father, father-in-law, grandpa and grandpa great! Love you!

so long... farewell...

our good friends were called to san bernadino, ca., to be the mission president. (this was our last trip to fairview, before they left). they were called, and had to be in the m.t.c. in two weeks. so we went down to fairview with them for the association meeting the weekend after memorial day.

look at the snow! yes! it's springtime in utah.

fairview just won't be the same for the next 3 years. craig and ladawn, we wish you well. (don said that i can't start planning a trip to ca., at least until you get there). love you guys! the missionaries in san bernadino are in for a real treat! you're the best!

don and jacki

Friday, June 4, 2010

another memory made

last weekend was 'memorial' day. we we able to take our trailers down to fairview for the year (yipee!) it was a litle cool, but the snow was gone, except a little still on the north slopes. it didn't stop the kids from the usual -- water fights!

ryker is old enough this year to get in on it, too.

we couldn't take the 4-wheelers down this time, but carsen was more than willing to take the kids for a ride (although, he was a little nervous when the girls got too close to his wheeler. i just don't get it... why do all males think that girls are dumb?!.)

aren't they soo cute?!

siona, look at the mischief in her eyes!

ah hah! gotcha uncle!

and of course the kids had a blast on the swing. it was so nice this year, because they are old enough to go out and play by themselves, and swing each other in the swing, without us being down there with them all the time. they even walked down to godwin's a few times alone. and of course, they thought they were the cats meow!
here we are sitting around our new picnic table

the worse part of going, is always having to come home, especially in this mess! coming over billy's mountain, was a joke!

but.. we were able to stop at the spanish fork cemetary and visit dale's grave.
this is a picture of his beautiful headstone... (awesome, brenda)

we had a great time, and it was soooo nice to be able to go down and just relax for the weekend.