My daughter got this from her friend and i thought it was worth sharing.
sung sarcastically to "the most wonderful time of the year"
it's the most wonderful time... of the month.
when the kids won't stop yelling
and everyone's telling you be of good cheer
it's the most wonderful time... of the month.
it's the crap-crapiest season of all
with no peace for my hubby, i'm bloated and chubby
my "friend" comes to call
it's the crap-crappiest season of all.
there'll be husbands for roasting
blog fodder for posting
and carry a purse where you go.
there'll be advil and kotex
chocolate and no sex
and if i start crying you'll know...
it's that most wonderful time... of the month.
there'll be much tantrum throwing
and friends will be knowing
that "aunt flo" is near
it's the most wonderful time....
it's the most wonderful time...
it's the most wonderful time... of the month!