yes! this is just what i've been waiting for! our first trip to fairview for the year.
the week before memorial day weekend. we got to take our new trailer down on the skyline for the first time.
chet and tiff brought their trailer down, too. this is what happened to them on the way down! not too much of that tire left, chester!
it wasn't too awfully warm down there, yet, either
don and ryker went and filled the water trailer

ryker painting rocks
kj painting rocks, too. great entertainment!
briggsy eating in gramma's trailer |
briggs thought he was the cats meowww sitting in his chair.
kj and ryker got to sleep with grandpa and gramma in the new trailer.
ryker standing in front of the fireplace with his newly broken arm that wasn't even casted yet.
chet, playing with the kiddos.
after we had everything all cleaned, locked and ready to go... not going to happen!
chet had to walk down the road till he found someone to come and jump us. don had already gone, because he had to go back to work, so he was no help!
entertaining the kids while we were waiting for chet
can you see the mischief in ryker's expression?
briggs thought it was great fun to go up and down the steps to the fire pit.
briggs examining a leaf. don't you love the look on his face!
he also learned how to put crackers between his toes. i wonder who taught him that trick?